Unveiling the future of edge computing at Fraunhofer FOKUS in Berlin
The SmartEdge project plenary meeting took place at the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS) in Berlin on 16 and 17 May 2023. The gathering brought together leading experts and researchers from various institutions to discuss and shape the future of edge computing.
With the potential to revolutionize industries and unlock new possibilities, the SmartEdge project aims to pave the way for efficient and intelligent edge computing solutions, demonstrated by five ambitious pilot projects.

SmartEdge consortium partners present at the May 2023 plenary meeting, at Fraunhofer FOKUS, in Berlin
@CNIT_TLC @TUBerlin @AaltoUniversity @BoschGlobal @Siemens @w3c @ercim_news @DellTech @Cefriel @nvidia @fraunhoferfokus @unifr @oxengsci @hes_so