Heard about CSI and swarm networking?

In this brief DISCOVER-US webinar on 24 April, discover how the project partners facilitate device interaction via a standardized semantic interface, implement swarm networking capabilities. Finally, witness the technology demonstrated within a smart healthcare scenario!

Snapshot of the zoom meeting, showing Francesc Lordan Gomis (meeting chair), Jean-Paul Calbimonte (HES-SO), Filippo Cugini (CNIT), Darko Anicic (Siemens), Noa Zilberman (U. of Oxford) and Davide Calvaresi (HES-SO).Your guides to the future of edge intelligence are Filippo Cugini (CNIT and SmartEdge’s project coordinator), Darko Anicic (Siemens), Noa Zilberman (U. of Oxford), Davide Calvaresi and Jean-Paul Calbimonte (HES-SO) for an exploration of how SmartEdge is enabling dynamic integration of decentralized edge Intelligence – including real-time distribution of autonomous swarms – while prioritizing reliability, security, privacy, and scalability.

The webinar is hosted by Francesc Lordan Gomis (Barcelona Supercomputing Center).

The webinar is free but registration is required to participate.

DISCOVER-US webinar series are organized monthly by members of the DISCOVER-US community to disseminate their results.



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